As part of the Franchising Review being undertaken, Independent Reviewer Dr Michael Schaper has invited current and former franchisees to share their views about franchising.
The AADA strongly encourages members to participate in the survey as it will form part of the evidence base which will be required to make the necessary changes to the franchising laws.
We urge all Dealer Principals in all groups to respond to this short survey.
The survey asks important questions on issues such as:
- relationship with your franchisor;
- effectiveness of the Franchising Code;
- Disclosure Documents;
- Dispute resolution; and
- Regulation of the franchise sector.
The survey is open until 20 October 2023. Responses to the short survey will inform the review of the Franchising Code.
The survey is conducted anonymously and should only take a few minutes to complete.
For more information or to complete the survey, please see the link below.