Vital Auto Tech Jobs Recognised in Core Skills Occupation List

On Tuesday the Government released the Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), and importantly for the industry, automotive technician occupations of motor mechanic, diesel mechanic and automotive electrician were included in the list. This is a critical inclusion for the industry and acknowledges the pressing skills shortage across the automotive industry.

Skilled automotive technicians are in high demand, and their inclusions as part of the more than 450 eligible occupations, will apply under the Skills in Demand (subclass 482) visa and the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186).

The AADA has continued to advocate that automotive occupations, which are in a critical shortage, must remain a training and employment priority, particularly in the midst of a changing automotive landscape with the increasing uptake of new vehicle technologies. This is essential to the continuing supply of trained automotive technicians and the operation of Dealership businesses to ensure consumers can access timely service and repairs on their vehicles.

Without a comprehensive plan to train new technicians and fill vacancies then vehicle servicing, personal transport and the wider automotive industry, would eventually grind to a halt.

The AADA will continue to engage with Jobs and Skills Australia to ensure the automotive industry has the workforce it needs for the future.