Takata Airbags Proposed Recall Notice for a compulsory recall

The Minister for Small Business, Michael McCormack, has today issued a Proposed Recall Notice for a compulsory recall of all vehicles with defective Takata airbags.

The decision, is based on advice from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) following a safety investigation.

The Proposed Recall Notice requires suppliers to replace all defective Takata airbags by 31 December 2020, and airbags posing the highest safety risk will be prioritised. The recall also includes replacement of ‘like for like’ airbags which were fitted earlier in the voluntary recall as a temporary solution to the lack of supply in the market.

Manufacturers which have sold vehicles with a defective Takata airbag have been invited to register for a conference with the ACCC by Tuesday 3 October and the ACCC will make a final recommendation to the Minister in relation to the issue of a compulsory recall as soon as possible after the conference is held.

Vehicle manufacturers and importers together will have primary responsibility for this matter and we expect dealers with affected brands will be contacted direct by their franchisors.

As it has been doing in recent months, the Government is advising affected consumers to immediately contact their dealer or manufacturer to book in a time to have the airbag replaced.

To read a copy of the proposed recall notice, please click here.

In the meantime, if you have questions please a call any of the team members listed below.

Yours Sincerely,

David Blackhall

For further information, please contact:

David Blackhall Chief Executive Officer
Australian Automotive Dealer Association Ltd
E: dblackhall@aada.asn.au
M: +61 413 007 833

James Voortman Executive Director Policy & Communications
Australian Automotive Dealer Association Ltd
E: jvoortman@aada.asn.an
M: +61 452 535 696

Brian Savage Executive Director Operations
Australian Automotive Dealer Association Ltd
E: bsavage@aada.asn.an
M: +61 418 377 594