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Auto Skills Australia Churchill Fellowship
Are you passionate about working in the automotive sector? Would you like to meet international experts to increase your knowledge and benefit your industry in Australia? Then the Autoskills Australia Churchill Fellowship might…

VFACTs Update – February 2019
The AADA has assessed VFACTs for February YTD data for the first months of the calendar year. There has been a 8.4 per cent decrease for the month compared to February…

HWL Ebsworth Analysis – Royal Commission Final Report
Significant Consequences for the Automotive Industry On 4 February 2019, the Government released the final report of the Royal Commission in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (Report). In the…

AADA Magazine – March 2019
The quarterly updated and March edition of the Automotive Dealer Magazine is now available and can be accessed online. This edition includes articles from policy and advocacy, motorsports, industry reports…

VFACTs Update – January 2019
The AADA has assessed VFACTs for January YTD data for the first month of the calendar year. There has been a 7.4 per cent decrease for the month compared to January…

International Women’s Day 2019 in the Automotive World
Diversity and Inclusion remains firmly on the agenda for a number of determined leaders in Automotive who collectively see the importance of industry change. In fact, industry leaders from medium…

NADA Study-Tour 2019
The AADA Study Tour to the 2019 NADA Show has come and gone. Delegates on the tour travelled to San Francisco where they were given the opportunity to network and…

Financial Services Royal Commission
The final report on the Financial Services Royal Commission is due to be delivered on 1 February. Industry related issues which were raised at the Royal Commission include add-on insurance,…

ASIC Focussed on Dealer Warranties
ASIC has notified AADA that it is conducting a review of the warranty market and is looking to engage with stakeholders. AADA attended ASIC’s first Warranties Stakeholder Meeting in December at which…

AADA Quarterly Activity Report – October to December 2018
Between October and December 2018, AADA have carried out a number of communication and advocacy activities. In total the AADA Secretariat attended 170 meetings with politicians, members and industry stakeholders. The AADA…