AADA Welcomes High Court Decision on Fuel Labelling Case

The Australian Automotive Dealer Association (AADA) welcomes the High Courts’ decision today to uphold the appeal in Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd & Anor v. Begovic.

“This decision is excellent news for Australia’s more than 3,000 franchised new car Dealers and will bring certainty to the process of selling new cars in Australia,” said AADA CEO Mr James Voortman.

“Federal regulations require all new vehicles to be affixed with a fuel consumption label listing the results from a government-specified laboratory test. The High Court has found that by complying with the letter of the law Dealers and manufacturers are not in breach of Australian Consumer Law,” he said.

“This is a victory for common sense which will allow Australian Dealers and manufacturers to continue to service the needs of their customers without fear of inadvertently breaching the law,” said Mr Voortman.

The AADA would like to thank Mitsubishi Motors Australia for their collaboration and leadership on this issue which had industry wide implications for all franchised new car Dealers and manufacturers.

For a copy of the judgement summary, click here.