AADA Welcomes Automotive Inclusion in New Energy Apprenticeships Program

The Australian Automotive Dealer Association welcomes the announcement by Minister O’Connor and Minister Bowen that the New Energy Apprenticeships Program will now be expanded to include apprentices in the automotive sector.

“This $10,000 in support will help encourage prospective apprentices to look to the automotive sector as an industry with long-term employment prospects supporting Australia’s net zero ambitions,” said AADA CEO Mr James Voortman.

“This is a critical time for the sector, with new technology coming to market it is important that Australia has a well-trained workforce to service, repair and maintain electric vehicles,” he said.

“The changes to this scheme which remove a requirement that an apprentice’s work be solely dedicated to clean energy, is a welcome recognition that along with servicing and repairing new technologies such as EVs and hybrids, automotive technicians will continue to provide services for traditional ICE vehicles well into the future,” said Mr Voortman.

The announcement notes the critical need for incentives to encourage more people into sectors that are playing a key role in transitioning Australia to a net zero economy such as is the case with electric vehicles.

EV uptake is increasing rapidly, and they are an important technology to achieve emissions reductions in the light vehicle sector.

“The shift toward EVs offers immense opportunity for the development of new skills in Australia and it is exciting to see this recognised and supported through schemes such as the New Energy Apprenticeships Program,” he said.

“The automotive sector, as with many other sectors in the economy is going through a skills shortage. It is estimated that the automotive service and repair industry is short over 40,000 workers.”

“With new policies such as the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard seeking to accelerate the uptake of EVs, particularly in the passenger vehicle space, it is more important than ever that the industry has access to incentives to encourage workers to participate and train in these clean energy technologies,” said Mr Voortman.