Media Releases
AADA Welcomes Appointment of Dr Michael Schaper as Independent Reviewer
The Australian Automotive Dealer Association welcomes the appointment of Dr Michael Schaper by the Minister for Small Business, Housing, and Homelessness, the Hon Julie Collins MP, as the independent reviewer…
New Car Dealers Support Government Review Of Franchising Code Of Conduct
Franchised new car Dealers welcome the announcement by the Minister for Small Business, Housing, and Homelessness, the Hon Julie Collins MP, that a review into the Franchising Code of Conduct…
Dealers Welcome Fuel Efficiency Standards, But Devil is in the Detail
The peak body representing franchised new car Dealers welcomes the Government’s commitment to develop fuel efficiency standards for light vehicles. The AADA is pleased to see the release of the…
Dealers Welcome Electric Car Discount
The peak body representing franchised new car Dealers welcomes the passing of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Bill through the Senate. The AADA supports the introduction of measures…
New Net Zero Unit Important Step to Transport Decarbonisation
The peak body representing franchised new car Dealers welcomes the new Net Zero Unit established in the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts. “The AADA congratulates…
Dealers Welcome Consultation On National Electric Vehicle Strategy
The peak body representing new car Dealers welcomes the announcement by the Federal Government that it will consult on the establishment of a national electric vehicle strategy. “The AADA looks…
Vehicle Emissions Standards Should Be Appropriate For Australia
The automotive industry supports the need for a vehicle emissions standard but restricting the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035 is a risky approach for Australia and its…
Automotive Organisations Reach a Historic Agreement on National Fleet Transition
Australia’s peak National, State and Territory automotive representative organisations have reached a historic agreement at an Industry Summit on critical positions and pathways to achieve the considered and practical transition…
Dealers Welcome ACT ZEV Progress But Remain Wary of 2035 ICE Phase Out
The peak body representing franchised new car Dealers notes the official release of the ACT Government’s Zero Emissions Vehicles Strategy 2022-30. AADA acknowledges the strategy contains a number of good…
ACT Ban of ICE Vehicles Bad for Consumers and Industry
The peak body representing franchised new car Dealers is concerned over reports the ACT Government will ban internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by 2035. “We have serious concerns that this…