Webinar: The Government’s Proposed New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

Join us for an exclusive Dealer briefing on the Government’s proposed New Vehicle Efficiency Standard.

Learn about the Government’s proposed new vehicle efficiency standard, and how it is poised to impact the automotive industry in Australia. The Government is seeking to catch up to the United States and we will hear from Barbara Kiss, a distinguished former automotive regulatory executive who helped design and implement a number of fuel efficiency policies in the US. Barbara will join AADA CEO, James Voortman, and MTAA CEO, Matt Hobbs, to provide Dealers and other interested parties with invaluable insights from the US market along with the potential implications, challenges, and opportunities these standards will bring for Australian new car Dealers.

Date: Friday 8 March 2024
Time: 11:00am (AEDT)
Presenters: Featuring Barbara Kiss alongside AADA CEO James Voortman and MTAA CEO Matt Hobbs.


Don’t miss the chance to deep dive into the standard, and gain insights from the US market and lessons learned there. Register now to secure your spot at this essential industry briefing!