This is a reminder bulletin following on from the initial notification of changes in October 2023, with implementation and the billing process to commence in March.
Historically, membership of the AADA has occurred through the approval of Dealer Councils and line group representative bodies that come together under the AMDC banner. Recently several new brands have arrived in Australia, some of which are experiencing rapid sales growth thanks to strong Dealer support, but they are doing so without the guidance of Dealer Councils or advisory groups, which to date, have not been formed for these networks. While many Dealers are AADA members by virtue of them being multi-franchised, they are not members for the non-participating brands they sell, and this is something the AADA Board have instructed us to address.
It is our strong belief that every franchise network should have a Dealer Council or similar body to represent their interests directly to their franchisor. For those who do not have a council, the AADA secretariat has a standing offer to assist in the establishment and operation of one and we would encourage all Dealers representing these brands to take up the offer.
In the absence of a council however, we would like to enlist Dealers of brands selling more than 1,000 units annually to join the AADA and commence financial contributions, based on a fee per car sold.
To achieve this, we will commence sending to Dealers who sell one of these brands, a request for a report of units sold over the previous three-month period. From this number, we will generate and send an invoice for the AADA membership fee, the same as that of participating brands.
Like our current membership fee arrangements, this subscription model is based on the goodwill and honesty of our members. We are hopeful that Dealers see the value in AADA membership and recognise that AADA is deserving of their full support, including for those volume brands whose Dealers receive the benefit of the AADA advocacy work but who are not currently contributing financially.
The first invoice will be issued in March 2024 for the preceding three-month period and thereafter continue at quarterly intervals.