Australia’s Best-Looking Dealership

Are you proud of your Dealership’s picturesque location and stunning views? Maybe you think it’s the most aesthetically pleasing in the country, or boasts an exceptional design that sets it apart from the rest? AADA is on the hunt for Dealerships that not only provide top-notch service and products but also offer a unique and beautiful location that make it stand out.

Submit your application for the chance to win the coveted title of ‘Australia’s Best-Looking Dealership’. We’re looking for winners in two categories: Regional Dealers and Metro Dealers, to showcase the wide-ranging nature of the automotive industry in Australia.

Not only will the winners have bragging rights, they will have a professional photoshoot at their Dealership arranged and paid for by the AADA. Winners will be chosen by the secretariat, and the photos can be used for the Dealership’s business, they will also be featured in AADA marketing collateral and to decorate the walls of our offices!

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to showcase your Dealership. Submit your application now for the chance to be recognised as the best-looking dealership in Australia. Nominations close on 30 April 2023.