Vehicle Emissions

AADA Position

The AADA supports action on vehicle CO2 emissions and noxious emissions standards but urges the Government to proceed in a way that does not constrain vehicle choice, push up car prices or disadvantage sectors of the community.


The AADA supports a light vehicle fuel efficiency standard but urges the Federal Government to work with the industry to implement a system which is fit for purpose for Australia. Australia is a small right hand drive market located at the end of a long and complex supply chain. Given these circumstances, it is important that policy is nationally consistent and does not go too far, too fast which would cause an increase in the costs of new vehicles as this would slow the uptake and have the effect of motorists holding onto older higher emitting and less safe cars for longer.

The Federal Government should prepare Australia for the emergence of zero and low emissions vehicles by encouraging the development of charging infrastructure, helping industry prepare its workforce for these new technologies and addressing questions such as the impact of low emissions vehicles on the electricity grid.

The Government should also play a leadership role in promoting the uptake of these vehicles by taking measures to reduce the prices of zero and low emissions vehicles, by removing inefficient taxes such as import tariffs and the luxury car tax.

It should also provide leadership to state governments who are all currently adopting different low emissions policies which is seeing a patchwork approach being adopted across Australia.